Keirunga Artists have over 100 plus members participate in a variety of art forms throughout various days of the week. 

​​​​​One or two day workshops, with local and out of town tutors, are offered throughout the year.  Club Days, where members learn from each other, are offered periodically.

Members receive monthly newsletters filled with current activities ranging from Art History, Design and Composition to classic painting techniques.

The studio is in the Keirunga Gardens and is equipped with easels, a printing press, photo copier, and an extensive library of art related books available for members to borrow.  Members provide their own art materials.

Two selected exhibitions of work are held each year, usually both are held in the Havelock North Function Centre.

Check out our annual artists programme here.


Keirunga Artists can trace their origins back to 1924 when they were known as the Havelock North Art Club and membership was by invitation only. Meetings were held at various venues in and around Havelock North and a subscription of 2/6d was charged. Many demonstrations and tutorials were held and in 1955 the membership rose to 19, now there are approximately 100.

The ensuing years saw the expansion of membership and in 1984 the move was made into the Frank Bacon Studio, named after life member Frank Bacon who passed away in August 2006.

Keirunga Artists is one of many affiliated group activities within the Keirunga Gardens Arts and Crafts Society Inc. Both have executive committees elected by members. By joining the Artists, you also join the Society.

Equipment & Materials

The studio is equipped with easels, 2 printing presses, photocopier and audio visual equipment, but members provide their own art materials.

There is also an extensive library of art related books available to members.

Membership costs

  • Current subscription for the full year is $150 payable to Keirunga Artists  

Group Contact:

Keirunga Artists Chair: Jenny Gray

Pam Thomson

Check out upcoming Keirunga Artists Events below