Exhibition Information

Up to three (3) artworks per Exhibitor. All artwork must be for sale.

Non refundable entry fee.

All artwork must comply with presentation and labelling requirements. Keirunga Artists reserve the right to refuse entry.

20% commission will be deducted from any sales.

All unsold work remains the property of the Exhibitor.

Exhibitors are responsible for all risks and insurance.

Exhibition presentation Exhibitors need to know about presentation requirements to ensure that Keirunga Artists maintains a professional reputation. Advice and assistance is available to all Exhibitors if needed. Artwork not conforming to the following requirements may not be exhibited.

Exhibitors must create a label listing the

Title of work.       Artist’s name .      Medium used.       Price.

Attach the label to the back of the artwork to allow it to hang over the top.

All exhibition artwork must be:

  • professionally mounted and framed
  • original work, ie not created from other people’s photographs, calendars, magazines or artwork
  • independent artwork, ie not produced under supervision, during a workshop, club day or similar
  • less than 2 years old and not exhibited in Hawke’s Bay galleries before
  • labelled for exhibition with a long swing tag attached.

Labelling artwork

All artwork being submitted for selection needs to have a swing label attached so that the selector and exhibition staff can identify and catalogue artwork.